The Infidel Prophet (First Chapter)

Chapter list.

  1. — Three boys and a football game.  ————-   Page 8.
  2. — Billy off to the Jihad.  ————————–   Page 12.
  3. — Start of the rescue.  —————————–   Page 17.
  4. — Arabia and now what?  ————————   Page 20.
  5. — Contact with John.  —————————-    Page 24.
  6. — The lair of the terrorist.  ———————–   Page 27.
  7. — Muhammad’s Mountains.  ——————–   Page 31.
  8. — Arise the Infidel Prophet.  ——————–   Page 35.
  9. — Ahmed the terrorist is no more.  ————-   Page 41.
  10. — Showtime.  ————————————–   Page. 43.
  11. — Secret service agent.  ————————–   Page 45.
  12. — Langley.  —————————————-   Page 51.
  13. — Tasha exposed.  ——————————–   Page 54.
  14. — Smell of success.  ——————————   Page 58.
  15. — The Dignitaries.  ——————————-    Page 60.
  16. — Tasha expresses her feelings.  —————-   Page 66.
  17. — The first fish bites.  —————————-   Page 71.
  18. — Off to Jordan.  ———————————-   Page 75.
  19. — Captured in Egypt. ————————–   Page 79
  20. — Back to the Oasis.  ————————–   Page 85.
  21. — Back to Medina.  —————————-   Page 92.
  22. — Miracle in Afghanistan.  ——————-   Page 101.
  23. — Aussie Headquarters.  ———————-   Page 113.
  24. — Hello Father.  ——————————–   Page 116.
  25. — Exit strategy.  ——————————–   Page 120.
  26. — The Arabian Princess.  ———————   Page 123.
  27. — Please kill us.  ——————————-   Page 125.
  28. — Aasir pays a visit.  ————————–   Page 129.
  29. — King Salman arrives.  ———————-   Page 131.
  30. — Hope for peace for the West-Bank.  —–   Page 134.
  31. — Purposely misreading the Prophets words. Page 140.
  32. — Another breakfast discussion.  ————   Page 143.
  33. — Last hurrah for the Prophet.  ————–   Page 148.
  34. — Death in the desert.  ————————   Page 157.
  35. — Journey home.  ——————————   Page 161.
  36. — Out-back Australia.  ————————   Page 164.

                                       Epilogue —————   Page 166.

Chapter 1

Three boys and a football game.

 This story starts with an Australian football game where two brothers, Tom and Billy were playing and had one man short in their team, of which Tom was the captain. Billy had always done what Tom had done and as Tom played football, so did Billy. Tom was twelve years old, one year the senior to Billy who was always happy to be his follower, as his older brother had always looked after him.

Billy said to his older brother, “Tom, we are one man down and our defence has a big hole in it. Our opponents will end up killing us, so why don’t you go and see if that big kid on the sidelines wants to play?”

Billy was certainly not the smartest kid on the block and even if he was, he had no way of knowing that his actions by causing the introduction of these two young boys, would change the destiny of mankind. The whole world awaited the union of these two boys who were to become lifelong friends. They represented different religions with different cultural backgrounds with different Gods, or so they thought, and that day their thoughts of destiny went as far as the outcome of the football game, and certainly not world peace.

Tom went over to the dark-haired boy and asked him his name and if he would like to play for their team. The young fellow replied that his name was Mohammed, and if they didn’t mind a Muslim playing then he would love to play. Tom replied, “Listen Mo, if you haven’t got anything against scoring goals then you are in. Just pretend that those little bastards in the red jerseys are Infidels and you want to kick the crap out of them, but just remember that after the game, they will be your mates again.”

Mohammed was a hell of a footballer and the Infidels did not stand a chance against the player who they all now termed, ‘The Mighty Mo’ and Mohammed ended up a star player who earned the respect of all players on both sides.

They all lived in an outlying town near the city of Sydney in Australia which was a very fine place to live for young boys. It was a country town where seldom a person would venture very far away from home. Many people were born there, lived their entire life there, and then died there, but that would not be the life led by these three boys. Billy would have been happy to live his life there, but destiny always seemed to pull at Tom and Mohammed, as they constantly dreamt of the greater possibilities in life.

They always spoke of far off places and of the great men that had walked on the earth since creation. They realized that theirs was a world that had mostly been conquered and most of the great things had been already done. They admired the great explorer Shackleton whose adventures at the South Pole were a great inspiration, and of course there was Jesus, Mohammed, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, and the great Laurence of Arabia. Who in God’s creation would not admire these men and women, as they were the best of the best who had tried to leave the world a better place.

Both Tom and Mohammed felt that they may have been born too late and that there was no adventure left for them; no mountain to conquer; no ice cap to explore, and so they just thanked God for the games of football, and their trips to the Australian outback that helped them pass the time, but they both longed for more, so much more.

The years passed and Tom, Billy, and Mohammed, were always inseparable. Tom and Billy’s mother made them go to the Christian church while Mohammed’s mother made him go to the Mosque. They often accompanied each other to their respective places of worship and knew as much about each other’s religion as they did their own.

One day as they were fishing on the bank of the local river, Tom had just started to reel in a reasonably sized fish, but seemed preoccupied with thoughts unrelated to fishing. Mohammed noticed this lack of concentration so called out to Tom, “Wake up stupid, or your fish will get away.”

Young Tom, who was still deep in thought, said, “Mo, your God and our God is the same person. We both have the same Adam and Eve, the same Moses, and the same Abraham.” Mohammed who for a young boy knew his religious history very well, laughed at Tom, “Did you just work that out on your own you bloody Infidel or did you just have a revelation from God? I tell you one thing old mate, that fish of yours is long gone.”

They loved to take the mickey out of each other and as they grew older, the trio realize that they all worshiped the same God. The result was, that they were all fluent at both religions as they were after all, sons and daughters of Abraham, sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. Religion was always a drag for most adolescence boys whose main interests of course lay with football and girls.

The years passed and they all ended up in university and even though Billy was not nearly as intelligent as Tom and Mohammed, Billy managed to take easier classes so that they could manage to stay together throughout university, where they all became competent in their respective fields, even Billy.

Then, as if it were just yesterday when they first met at that football game, it was time to go and fulfil their separate destinies. Little did they know that the destinies of all three were intertwined, and that their destiny would change the fate of the world. Their fate would change the attitude and insight of many people of different religions towards each other.

Tom and Mohammed were by then men of the world, but Billy was not as confident as the others, not at all eager to move on as he had always leaned on Tom, followed Tom, and did what Tom did. Tom would always look after Billy and see him as much as possible, but that tight bond that they once had was becoming much looser than Billy was comfortable with.

Billy was one of those people who are blest with the ability to make friends, and girlfriends were no problem for him. They always fell for his harmless boyish charm that he had an ample amount of, and he of course used this to his advantage as when he tired of one or they tired of him, he would have another waiting in line. And so, the bond of Billy and Tom loosened as they years progressed, but Billy was still in need of guidance from Tom as he was the older brother, and had always fulfilled the role as a father as well as a brother, ever since their father had passed away when they were both very young.

Chapter 2

Billy off to the Jihad

Tom had to do some training for his career in America, which had taken approximately six months and he had felt uneasy with not seeing Billy for a whole six months, but rationalized that Billy would just become stronger and be the better for it, and of course there was always Mohammed who was like a third brother who Billy could turn to.

Tom however was expecting to see Billy waiting for him when he exited the plane at Sydney Airport, but there was no Billy there to greet him. Tom had a slight feeling of foreboding, but had surmised that there was probably a lovely young girl involved, who may have required his attention. Mohammed however was there, and asked Tom how come Billy was not there to meet him.

Tom replied, “Heaven only knows, the only time that Billy is unreliable is when there is a girl involved. He will probably ring us soon to ask for instructions on what to do next as the girl may have let her knickers drop on the floor and Billy may be confused as to her intentions and ring up for advice.”

They both laughed and then Tom replied, “We will go and have some refreshments and then I will ring around.” They both laughed and then had some cold drinks and then some warm ones. Tom had been trying to get Billy on the phone, but to no avail, and so Tom and Mohammad called for a taxi, and finally arrived at Tom’s apartment, which was a nice place on the third floor of a secure high rise. Tom was still feeling uneasy about Billy when he opened the door to his apartment, and when both Tom and Mohammed were inside, they realized that the apartment was full of people wearing suits and some police officers wearing uniforms. They appeared to be in the process of searching through any paperwork they could find in the apartment.

Tom, not having a clue to what was happening, but realizing that these people were not criminals but cops, asked what was going on. “So, you are saying that you have no idea why we are here.” The lead investigator asked.

Tom, realising that police policy was that they always wanted to know everything and divulge absolutely nothing, then spoke to the main investigator, “Are we going to have a meaningless chit chat, or are you going to be frank with me? If you don’t tell me why you are here right now, then I will, as the American’s put it, lawyer up and you will get absolutely nowhere, but if you level with me I promise to be as helpful as I possibly can.”

The two main cops looked at each other, realising they could not control this fellow in the usual way and after a brief silence spoke, “Okay then, we are not run of the mill cops, we work for homeland security. Your brother Billy has left the country and joined the Jihad and all that we know is that he is somewhere in Arabia, but are not sure of exactly where. What light can you give us on this?”

The two cops eyed the pair with apprehension and thought that Mohammed had a look similar to many of the terrorists that were their adversaries. To make it worse, the normally clean-shaven Mohammed had just come back from a hunting trip and ported an unkempt beard.

Both Mohammed and Tom sat down on the couch and stared at the cop with disbelief, when Mohammed was the first to speak, “Surely you can’t mean Billy. Billy doesn’t pass wind unless he gets the okay from Tom, and he would never, never, never, never, do anything as crazy as that. I’m just gob smacked. It is like I have been out on the town on the piss and am lying in the gutter trying to make sense of my surroundings. This sounds like bullshit.”

The cops were amazed at Mohammed, who only moments before had radiated grave suspicions to them of him being a terrorist, but now sounded more like a true-blue Aussie than even they themselves were.

Tom, who was always careful not to run into a situation when it was better to walk, left the talking to his more than competent friend, Mohammed.

Mohammed began, “Billy is one of those guys that needs to lean on, and be guided by someone, and his brother Tom has always been there for him. Tom has had to do a six months’ course in the States, and in that time, I assume that Billy was approached by Muslim extremists who befriended him, tricked him, and guided him, and then took advantage of his good nature and somehow got him to go to Arabia. Billy is a marksman and has won many shooting competitions and may therefore, because of that, have some value to the terrorists, but he wound never knowingly aid terrorists or leave the country to do evil.”

“It is possible that he is still under their control and none the wiser to their deception. Now my friends, I have just saved you months of work whereby you will have found out exactly what I have just told you, so I expect at least one bottle of Johnny Walker Green to be waiting outside my door tomorrow morning.”

The two investigators looked at Mohammed with expressionless faces, and were shocked at the ability of Mohammed to fully appraise the situation in what was only a few moments.

Tom, after some contemplation began, “That is the only feasible explanation at present, but that information is only a solution to realizing the problem. We still need a solution to the problem and that problem is, that we have a simple minded misguided young man who they are training to do evil. There is no real evil in him, so they must take a long time to change him and we must act in that time to rescue him.”

The cop looked at them and was amazed at the rationale of both these young men. He had always felt superior to the people that he questioned, but this day he felt as though he had been talking to his equals, or perhaps even to his superiors, as these two young men who seemed totally unaware of the prior situation, quickly appraised the situation and were contemplating further actions to rectify the dilemma that they were in.

The cop felt an immediate respect that he seldom had for possible suspects, as he realized that these two young men of course were not suspects but victims to a situation that was not of their doing. The cop looked at Tom, “There is nothing you can possibly do as Billy is probably too far away and well out of our reach.”

Tom Replied, “No! There is nothing you can do, and I understand that fully, as in life we are bound by the rules of the job that we fulfil, bound by our beliefs, and bound by our limitations and our fears. I am, and my friend Mohammed, are realists, we don’t know at this moment as to what to do but what we do know is that sitting here will not accomplish any feat that is required for the rescue of my brother.

I thank you gentlemen and if you have no more requirements of us then we would like to rest, and when our minds are clear, we will plan the best course of action. We will then let you know if you can be of help or if we can be of help to you.”

The federal police then left as there was no more for them to do. These cops were certainly no fools as they had investigated many cases and interviewed many people, and all felt that they had been politely sent on their way.

The lead cop spoke to the other, “Unbelievable, I feel that we have just been dismissed, as they have been in control of the conversation from the start. They obviously want to remedy the situation that they have found themselves in, but what can they possibly do? The task for them is mountainous and if we can’t do anything then, how can they?”

The cop paused for thought and then continued, “There is something almost mystical about these two as I feel that we were just in the presence of greatness. I know better, as I have been a cop for a long time and I know that this must sound like bullshit, but that is the gut feeling that I have.”