Genre — Love stories.

This world cannot exist without love. Love starts at a young age and continues throughout life in one form or another. What is sad however, is that sometimes people live their entire life without love, even though this does not often occur and luckily for many they find love in some form or another.

After interviewing many of the students of year twelve of 89 regarding their first love, in order to do research on a fictional book, I found their stories should not be condensed into a jumble of their stories into one and so I have told each of their varied stories in one chapter each. Enjoy.


The American west was a lonely place for some while for others it was just like any other place, but where there is an abundance of men compared to a shortage of women, the competition can be fierce. Let us not forget the women of the west who had to find a partner out of all the sometimes, less than desirable young men available to them.

Let us not just dedicate this novel to all the lovers who found one another in western life, but all those who missed out on finding a partner to share their sometimes lonely existence. Enjoy.

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