Genre — Historical Romance.

Savage Love.

History is often portrayed in a loveless form, but that is obviously a fallacy, as the human race cannot exist without love and certainly not without the lust that exists between the opposites of our species. Some love is considered taboo by the others of what seems a different race while being of the same species. Love however always seems to prevail for those who are not restricted by societies boundaries.

‘Savage Love’ is a historical fiction which follows the pathway of a young girl, Claire, who is kidnapped by Indian Savages in early nineteenth century and falls in love, not only with a handsome Indian brave but with the whole of Indian society.

Follow the exploits of this girl, this woman, this mother, this grandmother , this great grandmother, throughout her life where she finds love, lust, compassion, in the arms of a savage.

After the fear of being raped by the young savage had subsided, she then decided that she will seduce him. Ahote brings Claire into womanhood and the realization of what she needs in a man.

Claire needs a savage, but also a man with love and compassion; she need a savage to take her to the heights of intimate experience and needs a loving father for her children, but mostly she needs to fulfill her desire to help the Indian nations to not disappear from the land and be turned into fertilizer for the soil of the American farmers.

After the death of her mother, Claire’s father has told her that he must take her with him westward, and that she will experience an adventure that will last her entire life. He gives her a diary and tells her to document her life but it remains in her saddlebags until such time that she feels the need to enter her experiences.

This woman and her descendants continue to do what they can for the Indian people and the rest of humanity while partaking in many of the events that were caused by the misguided American belief in ‘Manifest Destiny’.


Sweet dreams, nightmares and a Holocaust. What are dreams? Are dreams the same for all people, or can someone during the passages of sleep, meet with another and share their dream, share their emotions and feelings, where they can discuss their innermost thoughts and aspirations and yet these thoughts stay oblivious to their conscious state.

This is a story of young Zac who slowly becomes aware that he can recall his dreams in vivid detail while some cannot recall them at all and others can only remember disjointed and meaningless episodes in their recall of what seemed a meaningless and delusional sleep.

Let us travel along with Zac, from even before he realized that his recollections of dreams are not like all others, but realizes that what has eluded all of humanity is clear to him and how he uses this information to benefit himself and mankind.

Zac travels through his life experiencing two world wars and understanding events as they happen and occasionally even before they happen. He foresees the Jewish Holocaust and tries to prevent it from happening, but fails in this endeavor and then tries to minimize the death toll. The Jews call him the ‘Jew Butcher’, and so does the Nazi hierarchy but only a few know his secret in that he is saving as many as he can.

Travel through 20th. century wartime history, along the course of well-known and lesser known events. Find how war creates friendships and brings lovers together who would, under other circumstances, have never given each other even the time of day. Experience the tough humor that the participants of war must rely on to keep their sanity in trying times to keep them functioning, when lesser people would be in a continual depressed state and unable to function.

Seldom has any race ever been subjected to more depravity than the Jewish race during the second world war and this is one of their stories. This story is fictional but some characters Zac meets along the way are real , and their fearless compassion for humanity has more often than not, gone unheard. There have been many Zac’s during the Holocaust, most ending up being rewarded with death, but the odd one like our Zac have survived his ordeal.

Enjoy, laugh, cry in the face of adversity, and understand why love and a tough sense of humor is required to keep one’s sanity in such times.


From what seems to some people as the beginning of time, Jews, Christians and Muslims have used their gods as an excuse to go to war, while not realizing that we all pray to the same God, (The God of Abraham). Is it time for a new Prophet who can unite these misguided and warring factions to bring sanity back to mankind?

This is the story of two young boys who longed to be great and do great things while having a great adventure. This is also a story of a deep love between a man and a woman of different cultures. He was an Australian Infidel while she was the daughter of a sheik. It is said that their love story will retold for a thousand years.

This is also the story of a God who is the God of the Jews, and the God of the Christians, and the God of Islam. The same God that we have all pray to during the many wars to help us kill our fellow man in his name.

I dedicate this book to all the great people who have tried to change the world and leave it a better place, ” Muhammad, Jesus, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and now the ‘Infidel Prophet’.”